Audi A4, S4
Controls and receptions of safe operation
Current leaving and service
The engine
Systems of cooling, heating and the air conditioner
Power supply systems, release and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
Systems of an electric equipment of the engine
Manual box of a gear change
Automatic transmission
Coupling, power shafts and differential
Brake system
- Suspension bracket and steering
   Security measures at work
    Suspension bracket of forward wheels
    Suspension bracket of back wheels
    Corners of installation of wheels of the car
    Steering and safety pillows
Onboard electric equipment

Security measures at work

At performance of repair or service a component of a suspension bracket and a steering you can face a problem отворачивания приржавевших bolts and nuts. These bolts and the nuts located under the bottom of the car, constantly are exposed to external influences. There is nothing surprising that in due course they become covered by a rust and partially collapse. Do not try to turn on force fixture — you for certain damage it. Put on a corresponding nut or a bolt a considerable quantity of a getting liquid (type WD40) and allow it to impregnate a rust. A wire brush remove all rust and pollution from visible carving parts of fixture. Sharp blow by a hammer on a nut through выколотку can sometimes destroy a rust which is between carving parts of a bolt and nuts. However, striking on a nut, watch that выколотка has not come off its surface and has not damaged a bolt carving. Turning on приржавевшую a nut or a bolt, take advantage long воротком — it you increase put effort; however never establish long вороток on a key with a rattle as you can not only damage the returnable mechanism of a key, but also be traumatised. If the bolt or a nut does not turn away, try to hold on it slightly. If at отворачивании a bolt/nut you put the big efforts or have damaged its head (its surface), at installation take advantage new (new).

As at performance of the majority of procedures described in the given Chapter you should lift the car, prepare reliable support. For поддомкрачивания take advantage тележечным of a hydraulic jack. It can be demanded to you and for posting of some a suspension bracket component at performance of this or that procedure.

Under no circumstances do not work under the car, leaning only on a jack. At a raising of a back part of the car do not use as a support for the jack lever a cross-section beam.