Интеркулер - the general information
Интеркулер as a matter of fact is the heat exchanger intended for decrease of temperature of air passing through it. Air, being compressed in турбокомпрессоре, heats up. Thus falls парциальное pressure of oxygen. For prevention of it, it is applied интеркулер after which cooled air arrives in the inlet pipeline. Compressed air arrives not in the inlet pipeline (as on usual diesel engines), and in интеркулер. Интеркулер it is located in a forward part of an impellent compartment and it is blown naturally at car movement. Air from the compressor arrives in the bottom part of a cooler and in process of movement upwards is cooled. Интеркулер looks the same as also a radiator of system of cooling. From интеркулера air moves in the inlet pipeline.