Audi A4, S4 Introduction - Controls and receptions of safe operation Controls and devices Information system of the driver (FIS) Unlocking and car lock-out Illumination and review maintenance Seats and niches Heater, ventilation and air conditioner Automatic transmission (АТ) Communication and navigation Universal remote radio management HOME LINK Safety systems Features of operation and auxiliary systems Обкатка Trailer towage In case of emergency Car refuelling Current leaving and service The engine Systems of cooling, heating and the air conditioner Power supply systems, release and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases Systems of an electric equipment of the engine Manual box of a gear change Automatic transmission Coupling, power shafts and differential Brake system Suspension bracket and steering Body Onboard electric equipment |
In case of emergency The first-aid set The first-aid set can be stored in a dividing armrest of back seats.
Sign on an emergency stop
In a luggage carrier cover it is possible to place only sign on an emergency stop entering into the nomenclature of original autoaccessories specially provided for this purpose. The fire extinguisher The fire extinguisher of a factory complete set is in the holder located in space for feet of the forward passenger. Fire extinguisher extraction
Fire extinguisher fastening
After using the fire extinguisher
Familiarise preliminary with instructions for use the fire extinguisher. Instructions for use are printed on the fire extinguisher. For fire extinguisher maintenance in constant readiness for the use it is regular (most later each two years) check the fire extinguisher at the corresponding specialised enterprise or in fire protection. At purchase of the new fire extinguisher make sure that it approaches to the holder.
The tool complete set, the first-aid set for repair of tyres and a spare wheel The complete set of the tool and jack
The tool complete set includes following tools:
Before jack packing return an elevating paw in initial bottom position. Some of the resulted positions enter into a complete set only certain updatings or are established to order. The first-aid set for repair of tyres
The compressor enters into the first-aid set for repair of tyres for tyre inflating герметизирующее means for hermetic sealing of damages of the tyre, and also. They allow reliably герметизировать the damages of the tyre caused by extraneous subjects in diameter about to 4 mm. Thus the foreign matter can remain in the tyre. Instructions for use герметизирующим can be found means and the compressor accordingly on a bottle with герметизирующим means and on the compressor case. Steel spare wheel
Extraction of a spare wheel
Packing of a faulty wheel
Your car can be completed on manufacturer with a steel spare wheel. Owing to the constructive data (the size of a disk/tyre, rubber structure, protector drawing etc.) the spare wheel, as a rule, does not correspond on the working parametres to serial tyres of the car. Therefore you should remember following restrictions: The steel spare wheel is authorised to be maintained only on the car of your model. It can be mounted only on your car. In case of installation of a steel spare wheel road performance of your car changes. The steel spare wheel is intended only for short-term installation in case of tyre "puncture". As soon as possible replace a steel spare wheel with a standard wheel with the serial tyre. If the size of the tyre of a steel spare wheel differs from a serial wheel under certain circumstances it is impossible to mount chains противоскольжения on a spare wheel. Serial spare wheel The spare wheel is in a niche under a luggage carrier flooring. Extraction of a spare wheel
Packing of a faulty wheel
Cars exported to some countries are completed not with a wheel with the standard tyre, and easier compact emergency колесом*. Spare wheel with the directed drawing of a protector If as a spare wheel the wheel with the directed drawing of a protector it is necessary to remember the following is used:
Compact spare wheel (emergency wheel) The compact spare (emergency) wheel is in a niche under a luggage carrier flooring. Use of an emergency wheel The emergency wheel is intended in emergency to reach only to a workshop. Therefore at the first possibility replace it with a wheel with the standard tyre. On operation of an emergency wheel some restrictions extend. The emergency wheel cannot be used on cars of other models. On a disk of an emergency wheel putting on of standard or winter tyres is not supposed. Chains противоскольжения For technical reasons putting on of chains противоскольжения on a compact emergency wheel is not supposed. Therefore in need of movement with chains противоскольжения in case of "puncture" of a forward wheel put an emergency wheel back. In turn put on the removed back wheel of a chain противоскольжения and establish it on a place of a faulty forward wheel. Wheel replacement Preparation Replacement of a wheel demands preliminary preparation.
Wheel replacement Process of replacement of a wheel includes mentioned below stages.
Operations after wheel replacement After wheel replacement it is necessary to execute a number of operations.
Full-size caps of wheels For access to wheel bolts remove full-size caps. Removal
Decorative caps of wheels For access to wheel bolts remove decorative caps. Removal
Wheel bolts with caps Before отворачиванием wheel bolts remove caps.Removal Installation
Caps serve for protection of wheel bolts. Easing and tightening of wheel bolts Ослабьте wheel bolts and only then lift the car. Easing
Dismantle and wheel installation Dismantle or wheel installation includes certain stages.After страгивания wheel bolts and поднимания the car with a jack replace a wheel in the following sequence: Wheel dismantle
Wheel installation
Wheel bolts should be pure and easily go on a carving. Check up a surface прилегания wheels and naves. Remove pollution on the given surfaces before wheel installation. Internal шестигранник in the screw-driver handle facilitates вворачивание and a reversing of wheel bolts. The perestavnoj core of a screw-driver should be thus taken out. At installation of wheels with the directed drawing of a protector do not forget about a direction of rotation of a wheel.
Tyres with the directed drawing of a protector Tyres with the directed drawing of a protector should be mounted with the account of a direction of rotation. The direction of rotation of a wheel is defined by a label in the form of an arrow put on sidewallsе of a tyre cover. Necessarily observe the specified direction of rotation. Only in this case it will be possible to realise optimum qualities of the given tyres, such as absence of propensity to hydroplaning, noiselessness and wear resistance. Installation of a spare wheel встречно to the direction of movement defined by drawing of a protector, in case of "puncture" demands care at movement as the tyre in this case cannot realise optimum qualities inherent in it to the full. Especially we recommend to remember it in crude weather, соразмеряя speed of movement with a condition проезжей parts.For full use of advantages of the tyre with the directed drawing of a protector as soon as possible replace the damaged tyre for restoration of a correct direction of rotation of all tyres. |