Audi A4, S4
- Controls and receptions of safe operation
   Controls and devices
   Information system of the driver (FIS)
   Unlocking and car lock-out
   Illumination and review maintenance
   Seats and niches
   Heater, ventilation and air conditioner
   Automatic transmission (АТ)
   Communication and navigation
   Universal remote radio management HOME LINK
   Safety systems
   Features of operation and auxiliary systems
   Trailer towage
   In case of emergency
   Car refuelling
Current leaving and service
The engine
Systems of cooling, heating and the air conditioner
Power supply systems, release and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
Systems of an electric equipment of the engine
Manual box of a gear change
Automatic transmission
Coupling, power shafts and differential
Brake system
Suspension bracket and steering
Onboard electric equipment

Unlocking and car lock-out


The description

The complete set of keys and suspension bracket with number

The basic key (put key of remote radio management)


    For extraction and key folding press the unlocking button (the marksman illustrations)

Two are applied on the car (in some countries four) the key cores (put keys of remote radio management) () and one emergency key (). The given keys approach to all locks.

The car complete set includes also a plastic suspension bracket () with number. Number is necessary for manufacturing of a new key in case of loss.

Use an emergency key only temporarily in a case утери a radio key or impossibility to take advantage of it.

Never leave a suspension bracket () in the car to exclude unapproved manufacturing of a twirl.

Spare key

If necessary to order spare keys remember the following:

    For the safety reasons address on HUNDRED Audi. Specify number of a key put on a suspension bracket.

At key loss address on HUNDRED Audi for the purpose of blocking of its function. For this purpose it is necessary to show all keys and a suspension bracket. Besides, it is necessary to notify your insurance company on key or suspension bracket loss.

The spare key can be made only on the basis of key number. Key number is on a plastic suspension bracket (), delivery of the car entering into the complete set.

At car sale transfer to the new owner a plastic suspension bracket.

Replacement of an element of a food of a key

Put basic key

The case of the transmitter without a key component

Each basic key is completed with the disk element of a food which are in a cover (B) the cases of the transmitter.

Take a key button pressing.

Accurate turn of a screw-driver separate a key component (A) from the transmitter case (B).

Uncover transmitter cases in the direction specified by an arrow.

Take from a case cover the used element of a food.

Establish a new element of a food.

So establish a food element that marks were below. Correct polarity is specified also on a cover of the case of the transmitter.

Insert a cover with the established element of a food into the case of the transmitter and compress both parts.

Insert the transmitter case into a component of a key and connect both parts against the stop.

The food element should correspond to the specification of original elements of a food.

Synchronise the remote control device if it is not possible to open and close the car with its help after replacement of an element of a food.

Electronic anticreeping blocking

Electronic anticreeping blocking interferes with unapproved operation of the car.

In the key handle the microcircuit with which help anticreeping blocking is automatically disconnected at key installation in the ignition lock is built in. At extraction of a key from the lock of ignition after a car stop anticreeping blocking is included into a sentry mode automatically.

The engine of your car can be got only according to coded by original key Audi, Controls and devices see.

Under certain circumstances the engine will not manage to be got, if in a bunch of keys there is an ignition key of other car.

System of locks with uniform management

The description

The system of locks with uniform management allows to unlock or lock simultaneously all doors, a luggage carrier and a cover of the refuelling hatch.

At unlocking and lock-out of the car by system of locks with uniform management all doors and a cover of the refuelling hatch open simultaneously or locked. The luggage carrier cover at unlocking is deblocked, and then opens by means of the handle. To unlock and lock the car it is possible by means of remote radio management of locks or a key from outside for a door of the driver.

It is possible to open and close windows simultaneously also.

The podyomno-sdvizhnuju panel крыши* by means of the uniform lock can be closed only.

The system of locks with uniform management is equipped by protection against breaking. At lock-out of the car outside of the handle of unlocking of doors in car salon do not operate. Possibility of breaking of the car thereby is at a loss.

At malfunction of system of locks with uniform management all locks can be opened and closed a key separately. The exception is made by a cover of the refuelling hatch. Emergency unlocking of a cover of the refuelling hatch, see car Refuelling.

Automatic запирание*

At excess of speed of the car of 15 km/h are automatically locked all doors and a luggage carrier.

The car again automatically opens after extraction of the ignition key from the lock. Besides, the car can be unlocked pressing located in doors of the driver of the button or double assignment of the handle of a door.

In locks with uniform management possibility of function of automatic lock-out is provided.

With uniform management at desire it is possible to equip locks with function of additional degree of protection.

At malfunction of system of locks with uniform management the door of the driver and a luggage carrier can be unlocked and locked a key in a usual mode. Emergency unlocking of a cover of the refuelling hatch, see car Refuelling. Emergency lock-out of doors, see more low.

At failure of system of locks with uniform management inclusion of protection against breaking and security сигнализации* is impossible.

Never leave in the car valuable things without supervision.

Unlocking by a key

Key positions at unlocking and car lock-out


    Turn to the left in unlocking position () inserted into the lock of a door of the driver a key. For opening of doors raise the handle.

There is an unlocking of all doors, covers of the refuelling hatch and a luggage carrier. Protection against breaking is disconnected.

Lock-out by a key


    Turn to the right in lock-out position () inserted into the lock of a door of the driver a key.

There is a lock-out of all doors and a luggage carrier.

Operations being in position are disconnected from door contacts lanterns of illumination of salon.

At key keeping in lock-out position windows and сдвижная the panel крыши* are closed.

At once protection against breaking joins.

Lock-out of the car without inclusion of protection against breaking

The included system of protection against breaking complicates possibility of breaking of the car. At the included protection against breaking handles of opening of doors and the switch of system of locks with uniform management do not operate.

At a finding in the car of passengers of a door it is possible to lock without inclusion of protection against breaking.

For this purpose it is consecutive with a short interval turn in lock-out position () inserted into the lock of a door of the driver a key twice.

At the disconnected protection against breaking the car can be unlocked from within. For this purpose unitary take away back the handle of a corresponding door. The door opens repeated assignment of the handle.

Also at lock-out of the car without inclusion of protection against breaking there is an inclusion security сигнализации*. Therefore preliminary disconnect function of the control of salon, the alarm system otherwise can inadvertently work.

It is impossible to lock an open door of the driver. It can be made only after its closing, and применительно only to it one. Thereby casual lock-out of all doors is prevented.

The switch of system of locks with uniform management

Located at doors of the driver the switch gives the chance to use system of locks with uniform management in car salon.

Fragment of a door of the driver: the switch of system of locks with uniform management

Lock-out of all doors and luggage carrier


    Press the bottom switch.

Unlocking of all doors and in need of a luggage carrier


    Press the top switch.

At lock-out of the car by the switch of system of locks with uniform management remember the following:

Doors and a luggage carrier cannot be opened outside (undesirable penetration into salon is prevented, for example, at a stop on traffic lights).

Doors can be unlocked and opened from within on-separateness assignment of door handles.

The open door of the driver cannot be locked pressing of the given switch. It can be made only after its closing, and применительно only to it one. Thereby casual lock-out of all doors is prevented.

At failure to disclosing of pillows of safety there is an automatic unlocking of the doors locked from within for maintenance to rescuers of access to the car.

At the included protection against breaking the switch of system of locks with uniform management does not operate.

System of locks with uniform management and function of additional degree of protection

The system of locks with uniform management and function of additional degree of protection gives the chance unlockings only to a door of the driver and a cover of the refuelling hatch. Other locks remain locked.

Unlocking of a door of the driver and cover of the refuelling hatch


    Turn unitary in a direction of unlocking a key or unitary press the button of unlocking of remote radio management of locks.

Unlocking of all doors, luggage carrier and cover of the refuelling hatch


    Within 5 seconds turn in a direction of unlocking a key twice or within 5 seconds press the button of unlocking of remote radio management of locks twice.

Also at unlocking only doors of the driver protection against breaking and security сигнализация* at once is disconnected.

Luggage carrier cover

As a rule, the luggage carrier should be unlocked and locked only by means of system of remote radio management of locks.

Luggage carrier opening

Press the handle and simultaneously lift a luggage carrier cover.

Luggage carrier closing


    Take away a luggage carrier cover downwards and slam its easy blow.

Luggage carrier blocking in closed position

Positions of a keyhole of a luggage carrier

At key turn to the right () and its extraction at a horizontal arrangement of a keyhole the luggage carrier lock is deduced from under the control of system of locks with uniform management and blocked in constantly closed position.

The luggage carrier in this case can be unlocked only the button of unlocking of system of remote radio management of locks.

At key returning in vertical position the luggage carrier lock appears again under the influence of system of locks with uniform management.

Unlocking and luggage carrier opening

At key turn to the left () in horizontal position of a keyhole the luggage carrier opens. In the given position the key cannot be taken from the lock.

At key returning in vertical position the luggage carrier lock appears again under the influence of system of locks with uniform management and it is possible to take a key.

Emergency lock-out of doors

At failure of system of locks with uniform management (power supplies) it is necessary to lock separately each door.

The device of emergency lock-out of doors

Emergency lock-out of doors

For this purpose in the doorway without запорного the cylinder from an end face (it is visible only at an open door) the device of emergency lock-out is established.


    Open a door. Separate a cap. Establish a key at an angle 90 degrees concerning a covering of a door and displace it in an arrow direction.

After closing of a door it cannot be opened outside. At the switched off system of lock-out of children from within the door can be opened double assignment of the handle of a door. At the included system of lock-out of children, besides double assignment of the handle, it is necessary to open a door outside.

Lock-out of children

Lock-out of children from outside back doors

The device of lock-out of children interferes with opening of back doors from within.

Back doors are completed with the device of lock-out of children. Using the device is carried out by a car key.

Device inclusion


    Turn a key in an arrow direction ().

Device switching-off


    Turn a key in an arrow direction ().

At the included system the internal handle of opening of a door does not operate. The door can be opened only outside.

Remote radio management of locks

The description

The system of radio management of locks allows to unlock and lock the car дистанционно.

Functions of system of remote radio management:

    Unlocking and car lock-out Luggage carrier unlocking

Unlocking and car lock-out proves to be true a blinking of all lanterns of indexes of turn. Besides, at a finding of switches in position of operation from door contacts salon illumination joins automatically or switched off.

The transmitter with a food element is built in in the radio key handle. The Intake is in car salon. The maximum range of action is defined by various factors. On a measure разряжения a food element range of action decreases.

Compound component of a radio key is the put small beard intended for mechanical unlocking and lock-out of the car, and also engine start.

At replacement of the lost key, and also after intake repair/replacement remote radio management demands initialization. Only after that its operation is possible.

At inclusion of ignition the device of remote radio management is automatically disconnected.

Time negative influence on working capacity of the device can render imposing of frequencies working in an identical working strip and transmitters being near to the car (for example, mobile phones, television stations).

Unlocking and car lock-out

Arrangement of buttons of a radio key

Car unlocking


    Press about 1 second the button (A).

Car lock-out


    Press about 1 second the button (B).

Luggage carrier opening


    Press and keep not less than 1 second the button (C).

Car unlocking proves to be true a double blinking of lanterns of indexes of turn. Within approximately 60 seconds after unlocking of the car by the button (A) open doors or a luggage carrier as after given time the car automatically is locked. The given function interferes with inadvertent and long unlocking of the car.

On cars to system of locks with uniform management and additional degree of protection by unitary pressing of the button (A) there is an unlocking only doors of the driver and a cover of the refuelling hatch, and by double pressing of all car.

At correct lock-out of doors and a luggage carrier lanterns of indexes of turn unitary flash.

Besides, at car unlocking joins operated a key remembering устройство* positions of a seat and mirrors. Reproduction of the programmed position of a seat of the driver and external mirrors is carried out automatically.

At unlocking and lock-out of the car and a finding of switches in position of operation from door contacts salon illumination joins automatically or switched off.

Use remote control only behind closed doors and a luggage carrier.

Using remote control assumes obligatory visual contact to the car.

Do not press the lock-out button in the car, while the key is not inserted into the ignition lock not to lock inadvertently the car and not to include thus security сигнализацию*. If it all the same on rashness has occurred, press the unlocking button.


Radio key synchronisation is necessary, if the car does not manage to be unlocked/locked a radio key.


    If the car is closed, open its mechanical key from outside doors of the driver. Press the radio key button. Insert a key into the lock of ignition and include ignition. Switch off ignition and take a key. Press the button of unlocking or the button of lock-out of a radio key.

The security alarm system

The description

The security alarm system works at car breaking.

The security alarm system is intended for prevention of attempts of breaking and car stealing. In case of unapproved penetration into the car the system starts to submit sound and light alarm signals.

Device inclusion

The security alarm system automatically joins at car lock-out inserted into the lock of the closed door of the driver a key or remote radio management. The system is included into a sentry mode after approximately 30 seconds after car lock-out.

Device deenergizing

At car unlocking the security alarm system is disconnected only at using remote radio management. The car is automatically locked, if it did not open within 60 seconds after radio signal giving.

At unlocking of the car by a key from outside doors of the driver all other doors, a luggage carrier and a cover of the refuelling hatch remain locked.

For switching-off of the security alarm system it is necessary within 15 seconds after car opening from outside for a door of the driver insert a key into the lock of ignition and to include ignition. If within 15 seconds not to include ignition the disturbing alarm system will work.

When the security alarm system works?

On the closed car following objects of possible attempts are under control to system:

    подкапотное space (cowl) Luggage carrier Doors Horizontal arrangement of the car Ignition Radio system (only original radio system Audi) Car salon.

The security alarm system works at penetration in any of the named objects.

At unlocking and opening of a luggage carrier by a key the security alarm system also works.

How the security alarm system is switched off?

The security alarm system is switched off at car unlocking by remote radio management or inclusion of ignition by a key. The alarm system is switched off also on end of its cycle of work.

Lanterns of indexes of turn

The availability for service, and also that doors, the cowl and a luggage carrier are closed properly, the system, at car lock-out, confirms with flash of lanterns of indexes of turn.

In the absence of a light signal check up and if necessary correctly close doors, a cowl and a luggage carrier. If to do it already at the included system it will prove closing by the subsequent flash of lanterns of indexes of turn.

Light-emitting diode

After lock-out of the car within approximately 30 seconds in fast, and then in slower mode the light-emitting diode blinks being in a door of the driver. It testifies to reduction in readiness of the security alarm system, including the salon control. The constant luminescence of a light-emitting diode within approximately 30 seconds instead of a blinking code testifies to malfunction of the security alarm system.

Before to leave the car, be convinced that all windows, doors and the shifted panel крыши* are closed. It provides full working capacity of the security alarm system.

At unlocking of the car by a key from outside doors of the driver the system of locks with uniform management is completely ready for operation only after ignition inclusion.

The security alarm system works at once at a detachment of one of polar conclusions of the accumulator (provided that it is in a sentry mode).

The salon monitoring system

At registration by the monitoring system of salon of movement in the car the alarm system joins.

Buttons of the monitoring system of salon

Disconnect the salon monitoring system at probability of operation of the alarm system as a result of a finding in car salon, for example, animal or mobile subjects. The built in function of the control of towage disconnect at probability of operation of the alarm system as a result of transportation (for example, railway or sea transport) or car towages.

Switching-off of the monitoring system of salon


    Pull located sideways niches of a door of the driver the button (A) with a symbol. Lock the car.

Switching-off of the monitoring system of attempt of towage


    Pull located sideways niches of a door of the driver the button (B) with a symbol. Lock the car.

After switching-off of the monitoring system of salon in the button the diode burns. In addition, approximately for 3 seconds, the light-emitting diode lights up located in doors of the driver. After car lock-out in a fast mode within 3 seconds the light-emitting diode blinks located in doors of the driver. In 30 seconds after that the diode starts to blink slowly. At the subsequent lock-out of the car the salon monitoring system again joins automatically.

After switching-off of the monitoring system of towage in the button the diode burns. In addition, approximately for 3 seconds, the light-emitting diode lights up located in doors of the driver. After car lock-out in a fast mode within 3 seconds the light-emitting diode blinks located in doors of the driver. At the subsequent lock-out of the car the towage monitoring system again joins automatically.

Electric стеклоподъёмники


Fragment of a door of the driver: controls

Switches of lobbies стеклоподъёмников

(A) — The switch стеклоподъёмника doors of the driver

(B) — The switch стеклоподъёмника doors of the forward passenger

Switches back стеклоподъёмников*

(C) — The switch стеклоподъёмника a back left door

(D) — The switch стеклоподъёмника a back right door

(S) — The blocking switch

Controls at doors of the driver

The driver can operate all electric стеклоподъёмниками the car.

There are two positions of switches стеклоподъёмников:

Lowering of glasses


    Press the switch before the first position, and keep it while glass will not reach demanded position. Press quickly the switch before the second position. Glass falls automatically.

Поднимание glasses


    Pull the switch before the first position and keep it while glass will not reach demanded position. Pull quickly the switch before the second position. Glass rises automatically.

The blocking switch

The blocking switch (S) it is possible to disconnect стеклоподъёмники back doors. From outside back doors стеклоподъёмниками it is possible to use only at the drowned switch. At disconnected стеклоподъёмниках back doors in the blocking switch the symbol (the button is not drowned) burns.

Стеклоподъёмники work after deenergizing of ignition about 10 minutes. However they are disconnected at once at opening of one of forward doors.

Controls in a door of the forward passenger and back doors

In the given doors there is only a switch corresponding стеклоподъёмника.

The switch at doors of the forward passenger

There are two positions of switches стеклоподъёмников:

Lowering of glasses


    Press the switch before the first position, and keep it while glass will not reach demanded position. Press quickly the switch before the second position. Glass falls automatically.

Поднимание glasses


    Pull the switch before the first position, and keep it while glass will not reach demanded position. Pull quickly the switch before the second position. Glass rises automatically.

Стеклоподъёмники work after deenergizing of ignition about 10 minutes. However they are disconnected at once at opening of one of forward doors.

Opening and closing of windows by the uniform lock

At unlocking or car lock-out it is possible to open or close windows also.

Lowering of glasses by a key


    Turn and keep inserted into the lock of a door of the driver a key in unlocking position - all windows open.

Lowering of glasses by system of remote radio management


    Press and keep the unlocking button while glass will not reach demanded position.

Поднимание glasses a key


    Keep inserted into the lock of a door of the driver a key in position of lock-out before closing of all windows.

Поднимание glasses system of remote radio management


    Press and keep the button of lock-out before closing of all glasses

Or поднимания glasses it is possible to interrupt process of lowering отпусканием a key or the button of lock-out of remote radio management with locks.

Functioning infringements

Automatics switching-off поднимания and lowerings of glasses

Automatics поднимания and lowerings of glasses is disconnected after a detachment and the subsequent connection of the accumulator. For restoration of function of automatics the following is necessary:

Continuous influence on the switch стеклоподъёмника result glass in extreme top position.

Release the switch and again press, keeping the switch approximately within one second at the closed window. Automatics is again resulted in operating conditions.

The podyomno-sdvizhnaja panel of a roof

The description

Management podyomno-sdvizhnoj the roof panel is carried out by the rotary switch. For otodviganija/zadviganija panels the switch can be established in some fixed positions. The switch works only at the included ignition. Panel lifting is possible only at a switch finding in position ().

To open and close podyomno-sdvizhnuju the roof panel it is possible within ten minutes and after ignition deenergizing. However the rotary switch podyomno-sdvizhnoj roof panels is disconnected at once after opening of one of forward doors.


Comfortable position of a roof is characterised by smaller noise of a wind in comparison with completely open roof.

Ceiling fragment: the rotary switch podyomno-sdvizhnoj roof panels

Comfortable position


    Turn the switch in position (1). The switch is aloud fixed. The given position of a roof is characterised by smaller noise of a wind.

Full отодвигание


    Turn the switch in position (2). In the given position the raised noise of a wind is possible.



    Turn the switch in a starting position (0). For full lifting of the panel of a roof press and release the switch at its finding in a starting position. For panel installation in intermediate position press and keep the switch while the panel will not occupy position convenient for you.

At отодвигании roof panels the curtain protecting from solar influence automatically opens. At the closed panel of a roof the curtain can be closed also a hand.

The sun-protection curtain is recommended to be closed during car parking on the sun. During parking of the car or on a case of a sudden rain (at the closed sun-protection curtain) do not forget to close podyomno-sdvizhnuju the roof panel.

In more details concerning comfortable closing.


Closing of the shifted panel


    For closing of the panel of a roof turn the switch in position (0).

Closing of the elevating panel


    Pull and keep the switch while the elevating panel will not fall to position convenient for you. The roof panel is closed by short procrastination of the switch automatically. Repeated short-term procrastination of the switch the panel can be stopped in any position.

Protective closing

The shifted panel of a roof has protection against overloads. If it does not manage to be closed in a normal mode it can be made continuous procrastination of the rotary switch. The switch should be in position (0).

Comfortable lock-out

Opened podyomno-sdvizhnuju the roof panel can be closed also outside.


    Keep inserted into the lock of a door of the driver a key in position of lock-out or press the button of lock-out of remote radio management before closing podyomno-sdvizhnoj roof panels.

The podyomno-sdvizhnaja panel of a roof with the solar battery

From elements of the solar battery a conditioner food in a fan operating mode is carried out.

Management of the roof panel corresponds to the description resulted above.

The internal upholstery is rigidly connected to the panel of a roof with the solar battery and consequently it cannot be shifted separately.

Emergency closing

In emergency shifted panel of a roof can be closed manually.

Ceiling fragment: screw-driver installation sites

Ceiling fragment: кривошипная the handle for emergency closing


    Accurately insert the flat party entering into the complete set of the tool of a screw-driver in the shown places. Hook and separate plafond glass downwards. Take кривошипную the handle located from the interior of a cover of safety locks, the Onboard electric equipment see the Head. Insert кривошипную the handle (1) against the stop in internal шестигранник (2), keeping it thus. Rotation кривошипной handles close the roof panel. After that establish plafond glass into place. At first plastic ledges are inserted into nests, and then glass nestles upwards. Eliminate malfunction.